Saturday 13 December 2008

Our 1st Reviewness type thingy

Hey boy! Hey girl! Superstar dj, here we go!

Didn't get a chance to start watching Children of Dune until about 11.45pm, and have watched 2 episodes already. Would've watched the last but I'm beginning to flag now, and they're 1hr 22mins each. Anyway, I'm absolutely loving this. And no, not simply because the ever so lovely James McAvoy is in it. I find the story very engaging, the acting's good and for a TV programme the FXs are really good (I think they won an Emmy for that). McAvoy's character Leto and his sister Ghanima are great together, if a little creepy at times with their closeness (kind of remind me of the kids in The Innocents). I would say it's way better and enjoyable than I was expecting. Screw it, it think I'll go watch the last part. Who needs a good night's sleep anyway?

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